What it is?

The Fleet API provides the functionality to manage and control stealthy remote browsers. It’s designed for scenarios where you need to run your own custom automation scripts using frameworks like Playwright, Puppeteer, or Selenium.

Websocket/Webdriver sessions

Fleet sessions gives you the ability to access remote browser via frameworks of your choice.

Key Features

  • Remote Browser Control: Connect to and control headless browsers running in the Raccoon AI infrastructure.
  • Framework Support: Use popular automation frameworks like Playwright, Puppeteer, and Selenium.
  • Scalability: Run multiple browser sessions concurrently.
  • Session Management: Create, monitor, and terminate sessions.
  • Livestreaming: Observe and interact with sessions in real-time.
  • Stealth Capabilities: Granular proxy targeting, auto captcha solvers and more such features to make the browsers invisible to bot detection systems.

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