These forms need precise data formats and must pass strict validations. To maximize action success and avoid failures, follow these guidelines carefully.

API Request Structure

To interact with Office Ally, your request must include the following fields:

  • integration_id: This specifies the type of response, such as filling out a medical form.
  • properties: This contains a data field, which is an array of objects representing individual form entries. A maximum of 15 data objects are recommended per request.


This integration helps you add a person’s details in Office Ally Practice Mate portal.

Example API Request for adding a person

  "integration_id": "OFFICEALLY01",
  "properties": {
    "data": [
        "PatientData": {
          "Demographics": {
            "PatientAccountNo": "123456789",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "A",
            "DOB": "12/19/2024",
            "Sex": "Male",
            "SSN": "123-45-6789",
            "Weight": "150",
            "Height": "5'10",
            "NameSuffix": "Jr.",
            "MaritalStatus": "Married",
            "EmploymentStatus": "Employed",
            "ProfessionalTitle": "Doctor",
            "PreferredLanguage": "English",
            "Religion": "Christian",
            "SexualOrientation": "Bisexual",
            "GenderIdentity": "Identifies as Male",
            "Ethnicity": [
            "Race": [
            "MothersMaidenLastName": "Smith",
            "MothersMaidenFirstName": "Jane",
            "AdvanceDirectiveType": "Living Will",
            "AdvanceDirectiveReviewedDate": "12/19/2024"
          "Contact": {
            "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street",
            "AddressLine2": "Apt 4B",
            "City": "Springfield",
            "State": "IL",
            "ZipCode": "62701",
            "HomePhone": "217-555-0123",
            "CellPhone": "217-555-0124",
            "WorkPhone": "217-555-0125",
            "Fax": "217-555-0126",
            "Email": "",
            "PreferredContactMethod": "Home Phone",
            "CommunicationPreference": "Home Phone"
          "SmokingHistory": {
            "SmokingStatus": "Never Smoked",
            "SmokingFrequency": "1-5",
            "SmokingStartDateType": "By Month",
            "SmokingStartDateValue": "10/2000",
            "SmokingEndDateType": "By Month",
            "SmokingEndDateValue": "10/2000",
            "OtherTobacco": "Chews fine cut tobacco",
            "TobaccoFrequency": "0 days in a 30 day period",
            "TobaccoStartDateType": "3",
            "TobaccoStartDate": "2000",
            "TobaccoEndDateType": "3",
            "TobaccoEndDate": "2020",
            "LastTobaccoUseReviewDate": "12/19/2024",
            "SmokingComments": "Patient quit smoking in 2020"
          "Employment": {
            "EmployerName": "Office Ally",
            "EmployerPhone": "123-456-7890",
            "EmployerAddr1": "123 Main Street",
            "EmployerAddr2": "Apt 4B",
            "EmployerCity": "Springfield",
            "EmployerState": "IL",
            "EmployerZip": "62701"
          "EmergencyContact": {
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Relationship": "29",
            "Addr1": "123 Main Street",
            "Addr2": "Apt 4B",
            "City": "Springfield",
            "State": "IL",
            "Zip": "62701",
            "HomePhone": "123-456-7890",
            "CellPhone": "123-456-7890",
            "WorkPhone": "123-456-7890"
          "NextOfKin": {
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Relationship": "Manager",
            "Addr1": "123 Main Street",
            "Addr2": "Apt 4B",
            "City": "Springfield",
            "State": "IL",
            "Zip": "62701",
            "HomePhone": "123-456-7890",
            "CellPhone": "123-456-7890",
            "WorkPhone": "123-456-7890"
          "UserDefinedFields": {
            "Field1": "1",
            "Field2": "2",
            "Field3": "3",
            "Field4": "4",
            "Field5": "5",
            "Field6": "6"
          "AccountStatus": {
            "StartDate": "12/19/2024",
            "EndDate": "12/19/2024",
            "ExemptFromReporting": true,
            "Confidential": true
        "Insurance": {
          "EligibilityBenefits": {
            "CheckFrequency": "Each appointment",
            "AutomatedEligibility": true,
            "PayerID": "123456789",
            "PayerName": "Office Ally",
            "LastCheckedDate": "12/19/2024"
          "PrimaryInsurance": {
            "InsuranceType": "1",
            "InsuranceID": "123456789",
            "InsuranceName": "Office Ally",
            "Capitation": "No",
            "InsuredID": "123456789",
            "InsuredLastName": "Doe",
            "InsuredFirstName": "John",
            "InsuredMiddleName": "A",
            "RelationshipToInsured": "Spouse",
            "SubscriberID": "123456789",
            "GroupNo": "123456789",
            "PlanName": "Office Ally",
            "InsuredAuthorization": "No",
            "Deductible": "100",
            "VisitCopay": "100",
            "SignatureOnFile": "No",
            "SignatureDate": "12/19/2024"
          "Authorization": {
            "AuthorizationNumber": "123456789",
            "VisitsAuthorized": "10",
            "StartDate": "12/19/2024",
            "StopDate": "12/31/2024",
            "VisitsUsed": "10",
            "VisitsLeft": "10"
          "SecondaryInsurance": {
            "InsuranceType": "Medicare",
            "InsuranceID": "123456789",
            "InsuranceName": "Office Ally",
            "InsuredID": "123456789",
            "InsuredLastName": "Doe",
            "InsuredFirstName": "John",
            "InsuredMiddleName": "A",
            "RelationshipToInsured": "Spouse",
            "SubscriberID": "123456789",
            "GroupNo": "123456789",
            "PlanName": "Office Ally",
            "InsuredAuthorization": "No",
            "Deductible": "100",
            "VisitCopay": "100",
            "SignatureOnFile": "No",
            "SignatureDate": "12/19/2024"
          "ThirdInsurance": {
            "InsuranceType": "",
            "InsuranceID": "123456789",
            "InsuranceName": "Office Ally",
            "InsuredID": "123456789",
            "InsuredLastName": "Doe",
            "InsuredFirstName": "John",
            "InsuredMiddleName": "A",
            "RelationshipToInsured": "Spouse",
            "SubscriberID": "123456789",
            "GroupNo": "123456789",
            "PlanName": "Office Ally",
            "Deductible": "100",
            "VisitCopay": "100",
            "SecondaryInsuredAuthorization": "No",
            "SecondarySignatureOnFile": "No",
            "SecondarySignatureDate": "12/19/2024"
          "Guarantor": {
            "GuarantorID": "123456789",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "A"

Validation and Rejection of Entries

If your request contains more than 15 objects in the data array, the request will fail, and the rejected entries will be returned in the field of the response. Make sure to limit your requests to 15 objects per submission.

Ensure all data follows the correct format and passes the validations required by the Office Ally system. Incorrect data or formats will result in rejected requests.

By following these guidelines, you ensure that your API requests for the Office Ally integration meet all the necessary standards and validations required by medical service websites.